Här är en sammanställning över de viktigaste milstolparna i min "karriär" som fiskmakare...
Here is a summary of the most important milestones in my "carreer" as a fishmaker...

Tävlingsmeriter/Competition merits

May 2015, Oulu, Finland, European Taxidermy Championships
"Best of Europe, re-creations"

Zander for Jörgen Larsson, Sweden, polyurethane model

May 2014, Longarone, Italy, European Taxidermy Championships
"Best of Europe, reproductions"

Black Goby, casting

February 2012, Salzburg, Austria, World Taxidermy Championships
"Best in World, reproductions"
Sea Robin, casting

May 2008, Tullgarn, Sweden, Swedish Taxidermy Championships
"Swedish Champion, fish"
Wolffish and Black Goby, castings

February 2010, Longarone, Italy, European Taxidermy Competition
"Winner, reproductions"
Sea Robin

May 2010, Tullgarn, Sweden, Swedish Taxidermy Championships
"Swedish Champion, fish" and "Best in Show"
Cuckoo wrasse and goldsinnies, castings

August 2008, Rättvik, Sweden, Swedish Taxidermy Championships
"Swedish Champion, fish"
Sea Robin

August 2007, Göteborg, Sweden, Nordic Taxidermy Championships
"Second place, Willdlife Art"
Norway redfish, woodcarving

Remarkable fish, museum commissions etc.

December, 2013:
Polyurethane model of the second largest zander caught in Sweden, caught by Jörgen Larsson in May, 2012.

December, 2012:
Woodcarving of "probably the largest salmon ever caught on a fly", taken in Mörrum, Sweden 1997

Models of eel, northern pike and perch for the Ronneby Naturum, Sorry no pictures.

December 2011:
Model of a titicaca frog for the Gothenburg Museum of Natural History and
Museo de Historia Natural Alcide dÓrbigny, Cochabamba, Bolivia

December, 2010 and february, 2011
Model of the oarfish, the first found in Sweden in 132 years, for
Havets Hus, Lysekil and the Gothenburg Museum of Natural History

May 2008:
Cast of a cod for the Ronneby Naturum

Head cast of the second largest ling caught on a rod in the world, for Jörgen Larsson